Urban and Regional Planning

Urban and Regional Planning

 Greater percentage of the world population live in urban areas and the figure keeps rising. The UN-Habitat and UNPFA- United Nations Population Fund have projected that 75% of the world’s population (7.7 billion) would be living in urban areas by the year 2050. This necessitates the need to train urban and regional planners locally and globally to guide physical growth of urban areas through design, implementation and management of development and land use activities at local, regional and national levels, and taking into consideration rural development.



"You are welcome to one of the most important professional, academic and economic enhancing courses. The development of any nation depends on availability of income generating resources. Since geologists create wealth, we believe that economic depression or shortages of natural resources will arise not from physical exhaustion of geological resources but from causes related to technology/exploitation, environmental or societal pressures. The economic geological resources are sufficient to meet the growing demand industrialization and future demographic changes.



"Estate Management as a profession is aimed at optimizing the use of land among competing claims of having regards to public goods fair share by correct owners of interest in the land and to facilitate economic development. It is the art and science of supervising the use, development and management of landed property, other natural resources and the built environment. The Programme is designed to prepare students to appreciate the complexity of legal economic, technological and social impacts on the use, development and management of land and the environment.

Top-class, 24/7 support

Ipsum, sed, odio, fugit, dolores atque sint odit doloremque expedita architecto commodi quas eum voluptas autem reprehenderit molestiae sunt cumque pariatur iure quod veritatis molestias quis facere eaque aliquid porro officia debitis accusamus eligendi itaque doloribus!

Light-speed delivery

Ipsum, sed, odio, fugit, dolores atque sint odit doloremque expedita architecto commodi quas eum voluptas autem reprehenderit molestiae sunt cumque pariatur iure quod veritatis molestias quis facere eaque aliquid porro officia debitis accusamus eligendi itaque doloribus!

Award-winning quality

Ipsum, sed, odio, fugit, dolores atque sint odit doloremque expedita architecto commodi quas eum voluptas autem reprehenderit molestiae sunt cumque pariatur iure quod veritatis molestias quis facere eaque aliquid porro officia debitis accusamus eligendi itaque doloribus!

First Article

First Article

Phosfluorescently e-enable adaptive synergy for strategic quality vectors. Continually transform fully tested expertise with competitive technologies. Appropriately communicate adaptive imperatives rather than value-added potentialities. Conveniently harness frictionless outsourcing whereas state of the art interfaces. Quickly enable prospective technology rather than open-source technologies.